Monday, March 3, 2025

Reading Log: February 2025

 The books I read in the month of February 2025

February 2025 Books: photo by Cliff Hutson
February 2025 Books: photo by Cliff Hutson

The paucity of books this month can be chalked up to my trying to put a dent in the weeks old pile up of the "The New Yorker" magazine.

Monday, February 24, 2025

No Parking (Any Time)

O, reason not the need! 

No Parking: photo by Cliff Hutson
No Parking: photo by Cliff Hutson

The distance between these signs is about twelve feet. I guess this space must have some importance to somebody.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Presidents' Day (USA)

Presidents Day is an opportunity to remember presidential history 

Cherry Pie: photo by Cliff Hutson
Cherry Pie: photo by Cliff Hutson

Presidents’ Day is observed annually on the third Monday in February. It is a federal holiday in the United States that was originally established in 1879 to commemorate the birthday of George Washington, the first President of the United States. Since then, the holiday has evolved to recognize all presidents who have served the needs of the country. I have previously written about that.

Powerful Tool?: photo by Cliff Hutson
Powerful Tool?: photo by Cliff Hutson

This year it might also be a time to contemplate what future lies before us as our current president and the people who support him, chiefly out of selfish interests, work to undermine our democracy. "Checks and balances" seem to have been subverted, if an administration chooses to ignore the law. The pen may be no longer mightier than the sword when the media capitulate to threats. 

On a historical note, one president who infamously ignored a court order ended up on our twenty-dollar Federal Reserve note.

Monday, February 3, 2025

National Carrot Cake Day

A Foodie Holiday

I can not find a reference on how it got started; but National Carrot Cake Day is celebrated annually on February 3rd in the USA. One can only hope that the practice is not declared "woke" and that it can continue in the future.  

Enjoy a slice of carrot cake while you can.

All writing and images ©Cliff Hutson unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.