Wednesday, August 21, 2019


The Woodpecker

An xkcd cartoon
An xkcd cartoon

And, Me

He says that it is its birthday, it's my birthday too! Yeah!

Birthday Candle: photo by Cliff Hutson
Birthday Candle: photo by Cliff Hutson


"You know what they say, getting old ain't for pussies."
- Raylan

"Aging is really hard,” is clearly a sentiment expressed by a lot people.  And, I guess that it can be harder for some people than others to accept the changes that age brings. But, for most of us, being able to look on the right side of the grass is far preferable to the alternative.  

Western culture tends to try to ameliorate aging by looking for a magic bullet for health and longevity in a pill or bottle. Being proactive might be a better approach.  We may have some control over the behavioral aspects of aging. How we eat, exercise, think, and interact with others all have a strong impact on our biological health. But, as my Aunt Dagmar used to say; "Eat healthy, exercise, die anyway."

So, my plan for the future is to continue showing up as long as I can and making the most of each day.

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