Monday, September 12, 2022

Live Simply

 Simple Living

Live Simply: photo by Cliff Hutson
Live Simply: photo by Cliff Hutson

The above photograph is of a Patagonia t-shirt that I bought a couple of years ago. I like the sentiment, but I am sure that there are some who say that the fact that it is such a high end shirt belies the idea that I actually have a simple lifestyle.

Wikipedia defines living simply as voluntarily engaging in a number of practices to simplify one's lifestyle. It notes that one of the hallmarks of simplicity is depending less on technology. So my writing a blog on a service owned by Google certainly works against me. However, it could be argued that using the internet for shopping, reading the news, and keeping in touch with friends and relatives reduces my carbon footprint - so that is a good thing.

One, expert has implied that living simply can’t be defined in one article or Instagram post. One person’s simplicity looks different from another’s. The key is to figure out what simplicity means to you. So, I thought that I would take a look at some of the salient points found in most articles about simplicity to see how I measure up.

Limit media

Some years ago I would have given myself high marks on this one. I read a lot of books and did not watch much TV; though I enjoyed revisiting my rather large DVD collection. But, the longer the COVID pandemic dragged on the more I found myself streaming more and more hours of entertainment. Just over the past couple of weeks I have watched "A League of Their Own", "For All Mankind", and have started "The Rings of Power". But, all in all, I think that I have a pretty good balance.

Simplify your wardrobe

I have probably gone too far in this direction. My wardrobe consists of jeans, shorts, and casual shirts. I in fact worry that I do not have anything to wear to a solemn occasion should the need arise. If it is business, they can take me as I am. But, I recognize that there is sometimes a call for decorum.

 Spend time alone

Animal Companion: photo by Cliff Hutson
Animal Companion: photo by Cliff Hutson

I find balance and comfort in solitude. And, at home, there is just me and a cat.

 Don't tolerate debt / Get rid of unnecessary costs

The secret to happiness is low overhead and no debt. I realize that I am very fortunate to have reached a point in my life where this is possible. My mortgage was paid off right after I retired in 2009. And, I paid cash for my twelve year old truck back when it was new.  


The biggest change that is on my horizon is downsizing. It has been several years since I have needed a truck; and it gets abysmal mileage for someone who likes to think of their self as concerned about the environment.

Neither do the cat and I need as large a footprint for a residence as we now inhabit. So, I am gradually working on getting rid of well over thirty years of accumulated stuff so that we can move to a smaller home. 

Ultimate goal

The goal is to gain freedom by having less in life.

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