Monday, September 23, 2024

Just Good Food: Seafood

 Seafood (and Fish)

The word seafood is a generic term describing any edible animal obtained from the sea–be it fish, crustacean, or mollusk.

I cooked all of these meals, save for the last one of the fish and chips. That was taken at Ye Olde King's Head in Santa Monica, California. The lead photo is of Shrimp Creole, which my family and friends consider to be my signature dish. 

All writing and images ©Cliff Hutson unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Just Good Food: Soup

 Winter is coming!

And, I am thinking about soup.

All writing and images ©Cliff Hutson unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Reading Log: August 2024

 The books that I finished reading in the month of August 2024:

August 2024 Books: photo by Cliff Hutson
August 2024 Books: photo by Cliff Hutson

    Arguably one of the funniest books on golf ever written. I am certain that all of the stories are true; give or take a lie or two.

    A lot of people really like this book; I am not one of them.  I will say that it is better than the movie, but that bar is set pretty low.

    I really enjoyed the essays in this book. I had not read any of Updike's work prior to this and my dissatisfaction with the excerpts from his "Rabbit" novels may explain that.

    For my money, this is by far the weakest entry in the Chet and Bernie mysteries.

"A Farewell to Arfs," Spencer Quinn

    Having finished this book, which is the latest in the series, I feel assured about my assessment of "Woof Top". But, do note that I believe that all are worth reading. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day (USA & Canada) 2024

 The End of Summer

Scovil Hoe: photo by Cliff Hutson
Scovil Hoe: photo by Cliff Hutson

The three day Labor Day weekend marks the end of a magical time of the year for many people. However as I retired almost fifteen years ago it is much the same to me; and cooler weather is still weeks away. But, I need little excuse to party and will indulge my long weekend by referring you to this previous Labor Day entry.

I hope that you all had a good Summer and will enjoy this weekend as much as you can.