Coast Live Oak
Coast Live Oak: photo by Cliff Hutson |
The coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) derives its name for the reason that, as an evergreen, it does not shed its leaves for a dormant season. It is is native to California, occurring in our Mediterranean habitats which are characterized by mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. and is the most abundant species of oak along the coast, ranging from Sonoma County into Baja California.
It is notable that the coast live oak, especially in its Spanish forms encino or encina, encinitas "little oaks", and encinal "oak grove", gave its name to seven land grants across California and to many communities and geographic features. These include Rancho Los Encinos, the Los Angeles community of Encino, Encinitas near San Diego, and Encinal del Temescal, now the city of Oakland.