Monday, January 8, 2024

Reading Log: December 2023

The books that I finished reading in the month of December 2023: 

December 2023 Books: photo by Cliff Hutson
December 2023 Books: photo by Cliff Hutson

Cliff's Notes

"True West"

I was very disappointed in this book, thinking that it would contain more history than personal stories. The author maintains, based on her personal experiences, that America can be brought together if we meet our fellow Americans where they are.

That may be easy for a well to do, somewhat noted, white woman to say. It is not so practical in a land where a service station in Arizona refused to sell me gas, or where my wife were seated in a restaurant in Idaho Falls but never served. 

She does write well though.


"Pests are what happens when we think that we've got nature all figured out, and nature decides to give us the finger."

This was both an entertaining and informative read.


My newspaper of record recently devoted several paragraphs to a discussion of the movie of the same title and the novel as they both mention a local community - San Dimas. I decided to watch the movie and then read the book, which was based on the movie rather than the usual sequence. They were both pretty darn good. Each in its own way.

See how they differed was illuminating. A novelist can use extensive character description and metaphors.  A screenplay has to solve the problem of how to put necessary information in to the mouths of characters whereas a novel can just tell the reader about it.  

So, at bottom, I will say that I enjoyed the book more. Mostly because it gave me some leeway to enjoy the landscape as it were, rather than have it relegated to the background as I keep an eye on the actors. But, let me go on record as saying that I will never give up one form for the other.

"Out There"

Another enjoyable read. But, then I seem to have an inborn fascination with the juxtaposition between science fiction and real science. I came of age during a time when many of the things first hinted at in books and movies became (more or less) actual technological advances. This book limns the way real life and science fiction may intersect. 

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