Monday, June 24, 2024


Ain't too proud

I am riffing on last week's use of a "borrowed" theme. So, here are a few random landscapes. They are fun to photograph.


All writing and images ©Cliff Hutson unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission. 

Monday, June 17, 2024


 Steal Like an Artist

This is another slapdash post due to a busy weekend. My excuse this time is that, in observance of Father's Day, my children took me to see a musical at the Pantages Theatre and then to dinner at El Coyote - a restaurant that has been a favorite of ours for nearly fifty years.

So, at loose ends for a topic I decided to lift an idea from a post by Kirk Tuck. By the way, my impetus for that was inspired by a very interesting little book. What Kirk said about sharing photographs really resonated with me; so here are a few images of buildings.

All writing and images ©Cliff Hutson unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

It's Back!

Jacaranda Season

Jacaranda Blossoms: photo by Cliff Hutson
Jacaranda Blossoms: photo by Cliff Hutson

I took the weekend off to the watch the Memorial Tournament. So, I am linking to a timely rerun; the Jacarandas are once again in bloom this year.

Jacaranda IPA: photo by Cliff Hutson
Jacaranda IPA: photo by Cliff Hutson

Update (06/15/2024):

I seldom return to something I have posted, but I saw this today and could not resist proving that I am not the only who thinks that these trees are special.