Monday, January 21, 2008

A Challenge

Gentle Reader (if indeed there is one of you):

Blogging is a challenge for me. Part of it is I seldom know if anyone is actually reading it. Pearls Before Swine is one of my favorite comics. Sometime back Rat suggested to Goat that more people would read Goat's blog if he posted it on the refrigerator door instead of the internet.

That is probably the case with me as well. I have no one but myself to blame. My content is really nothing to write home about and, in any event, it has no focus. I chalk this to the fact that I have not found my voice, if I have one. So far I have just written what ever comes in to my head as I see some Monday, Wednesday, or Friday start to slip away without a posting.

Today is one of those days. It was a day off from work, but I tried to get around to some of the chores I have been putting off or waiting to around to it. Well one of those literally blew up in my face. So after I scheduled an electrician to come and set things tomorrow, I ended up running errands with Susan, my wife. So tonight I am rather zonked.

Ergo, I am faced with a dilemma post something that lacks any depth or substance, or not post anything - forgoing my three times a week schedule. Obviously, I went with the first option. I made this choice as I know that regular posting is one of the things that attract readership. If I broke my sting today it will be easier to do it in the future. I want to better with this blog than I did on my first and second attempts.

Thus, in a small way, I have faced this challenge for today. Now, I offer you a different one:

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