Monday, December 4, 2023

National Sock Day

 There seems to be a day for everything:

A clothing company called Pair of Thieves created National Sock Day. According to the company’s website, they started this day “to warm our toes with the commemoration of two toe-tapping historical events that happened on this day.” In 2016, it was officially declared that National Sock Day would be celebrated annually on December 4.

I actually have three pairs of their colorful crew socks. But, as they are they are all in the laundry hamper they are not available for a photograph today. However, I do have a sampling from other textile manufacturers, taken over the years.

It seems that I can add socks to the category of things of which I have too many - along with hats and jackets. And, it is not like that I wear them every day.


All writing and images ©Cliff Hutson unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.

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