Monday, August 12, 2024

Just Good Food: Sandwiches


I seldom go a day without eating, taking a photograph, or posting my PaD. It should not be a surprise that there may be an intersection, or overlap, of these activities; nor that this may seep into my blogging. So, it looks like that I will probably devote much of this month to what I am calling good food; starting with sandwiches

When it comes to a sandwich I am pretty much a structure purist: A sandwich must consistent of two pieces of bread/baked product, with fillings in between. Thus a wrap or a burrito is not a sandwich. An exception may be made for a sub or hoagie (not necessarily two separate pieces), but not for a hotdog. My definition would allow for a hamburger to be a sandwich, but I think that it needs to be called something different so as not to be confused with a ham sandwich.

My favorite sandwich is a BLT. Oddly, I don't have a decent photo of one. I guess that I scarf them down too quickly. 

All writing and images ©Cliff Hutson unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.

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