Monday, July 8, 2024

Photo a Day

 AKA: Photography 365 Challenge

Another Monday, another cop out.  One might think that a retired person who has made a commitment to post to their blog every Monday should be able to easily follow through on that with something at least a bit substantial. But, once again, I got distracted and am resorting  to a fluff piece.

I am in the middle of an ongoing Photo a Day (PaD) project. The photo at the top is the one that I am using for today's effort. What follows is a random sampling from this year.

The project has become a mix of food photography, street photography, nature photography, and what may as well be called snapshots.  Some days the result is much better than others. If your curiosity has been piqued, the oeuvre is available in my gallery

All writing and images ©Cliff Hutson unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.

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